The Perfect Shot
by Eve Ainsworth
With the end of the First World War, Hettie’s brother Freddie should be feeling relieved, but unfortunately his personal war has only just begun. He is still crippled by nightmares and guilt about a mistake that led to a man’s death in the war.
He tries to distract himself by helping Hettie support the Dick, Kerr team, and his love for photography sees him quickly become their unofficial photographer, taking team shots and getting to know the girls.
Can the introduction of a new key player, Jessie Walmsley – a brave a heroic woman – help Freddie to face his demons? And will a new job opportunity giving him the chance to travel the country, reporting on the Dick, Kerr Girls, finally appease his Dad?
As the girls embark on their first domestic and international tour against the French Ladies team, Freddie finds he is on a journey of his own, facing up to his mistakes and taking a step to correct them. Can he learn from the vital lesson that the Dick, Kerr Girls have to offer? That team work, communication and friendship can overcome just about anything.
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